Tom Stuart


I regularly speak about programming, computer science and software development culture at international conferences and events.

Live coding a Ruby project

Stop ignoring pattern matching!

Programming with Something

Representations count

Get off the tightrope

Automatic differentiation in Ruby

Hello, declarative world


Consider static typing

A Lever for the Mind

Programming, mathematics and abstraction

Refactoring Ruby with Monads

My favourite algorithm

Welcome back to RSpec

Type systems, BDD, and the fun of computer programming

Seating Arrangements for Lunch

The DHH Problem

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing

Finite Automata and Regular Languages

Compilers for Free

RR Book Club: Understanding Computation with Tom Stuart

Code Will Eat Itself

Impossible Programs

Ruby, computation theory and the joy of explaining things

Stop using development mode

TDD Fishbowl

Programming with Nothing

Relational Algebra & Arel

Thinking Functionally in Ruby

Do Mix Your Drinks